The Call of the Land by Steven McFadden

The Call of the Land gives voice to a swelling chorus of millennial agrarians who are working in cities, suburbs, countryside schools, churches, companies, and campuses to create a clean, secure, sustainable food system as a healthy foundation.

Farm Together Now by Amy Franceschini & Daniel Tucker

This part-travelogue, part-oral history, part-creative exploration of food politics will introduce readers to twenty groups working in agriculture and sustainable food production in the U.S. Throughout 2009 the authors visited twenty farms from coast to coast, talking to farmers about their engagement in sustainable food production, public policy and community organizing efforts. Interviews and photo essays with each farm/garden/project illustrate the inspiring histories, unique characters and everyday struggles of life on these farms.

Inquiries Into the Nature of Slow Money by Woody Tasch

Could there ever be an alternative stock exchange dedicated to slow, small, and local? Could a million American families get their food from CSAs? What if you had to invest 50 percent of your assets within 50 miles of where you live? Such questions—at the heart of slow money—represent the first steps on our path to a new economy.

Shell Games by Craig Welch

Shell Games is a cops-and-robbers tale set in a double-crossing world where smugglers fight turf wars over some of the world’s strangest marine creatures.

Slow Food Nation by Carlo Petrini

Now it is time for answers, and Slow Food Nation steps up to the challenge. Here the charismatic leader of the Slow Food movement, Carlo Petrini, outlines many different routes by which we may take back control of our food.

Seed to Seed: The Secret Life of Plants by Nicholas Harberd

Seed to Seed is part field notebook, part sketchbook and part diary. Built upon a narrative of the passing seasons of 2004, it relates that narrative to the life history of an ‘iconic’ plant. It gives a description of what is ‘seen’ and of the hidden molecular mechanisms that underlie the visible events in the plant’s life, and tells the story of the last ten years of scientific discoveries in Nicholas Harberd’s own laboratory as the team works on decoding the genome of a basic plant, thale cress – the fruit-fly of the plant world.

Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodale

Maria Rodale, CEO and Chairman of Rodale Inc., sheds new light on the state of 21st-century farming. She examines the unholy alliances that have formed between the chemical companies that produce fertilizer and genetically altered seeds, the agricultural educational system that is virtually subsidized by those same companies, and the government agencies in thrall to powerful lobbyists, all of which perpetuate dangerous farming practices and deliberate misconceptions about organic farming and foods.