Stalking the Wild Yeast with Jack Jenkins (Audio)

We’re speaking with Jack Jenkins, Country Living Grain Mills, who manufacturers and markets grain mills that are hand-powered, bike-powered, horse-powered, wind-powered, water-powered, and even machine-powered! And he sells them around the world. Jack tells us how to tame wild yeast so we can use it to make bread. Listen to how he does it.

The Revolution is Growing! Erick Haakenson at Jubilee Farm

The Growing Revolution is the story of Jubilee Biodynamic Farm in Carnation, Washington. It explores the farm’s history, the growth of its CSA, and Erick and Wendy Haakenson’s passionate commitment to what Wendell Berry calls the agrarian mindset.

In the Same Boat

At GoodFood World, we’ve introduced you to fishermen and farmers who are working hard to do the right thing. This documentary visits Newfoundland and Alberta to profile families trying to do the right thing too.

Agriculture and Food in Crisis by Fred Magdoff and Brian Tokar

In Agriculture and Food in Crisis, Fred Magdoff and Brian Tokar have assembled an exceptional collection of scholars from around the world who share a focus on investigating how agricultural production is shaped by a system that is oriented around the creation of profit above all else, with food as nothing but an afterthought.

Jerry Pipitone, Pipitone Farm

Jerry Pipitone, Pipitone Farm, Rock Island WA, talks about his part in the local food economy. He dries tons of fruit, for his own farm and for other farmers. And with the odd weather we’ve been having the last couple of years, farming is a little tougher than usual.