“Formed Meat Products” – Who’s gluing your steak together?

A growing trend among restaurants, food producers and butchers has some consumers scratching their heads and wondering “what’s in the beef?” It’s not what you’d expect to be on the menu, but chances are you have eaten meat that’s been bonded together with a product called “meat glue.” Or even more descriptive: “blood glue.”

Marion Nestle Helps You Decide ‘What To Eat’ (Audio)

Overwhelmed by bread options at the grocery store? How about lettuce? You’re bound to find 10 different options just for romaine lettuce, and more for bread, water, cheese, broccoli — everything! Do you simply guess which product to buy?

All Flesh Is Grass by Gene Logsdon

Logsdon explains historically effective grazing practices and new techniques that have blossomed during the past decade. His narrative is enriched by profiles of successful grass farmers and by his experience as a “contrary farmer” on his own artisan-scale farm.

Allan Savory – Keeping Cattle: Cause or Cure for Climate Crisis?

Allan Savory argues that while livestock may be part of the problem, they can also be an important part of the solution. He has demonstrated time and again in Africa, Australia and North and South America that, properly managed, they are essential to land restoration.

Food Movements Unite by Eric Holt-Gimenez

Food Movements Unite! is a collection of essays by food movement leaders from around the world that all seek to answer the perennial political question: What is to be done?