Why Some Like It Hot by Gary Paul Nabhan

Gary Nabhan is an ethobiologist who studies nutritional ecology. What exactly does that mean? Nabhan is at the center of the convergence of genes, diets, ethnicity and place. He has researched food allergies and intolerance, dietary diseases, and the “ghosts of evolution” hidden in every culture.

Beans: A History by Ken Albala

This is the story of the bean, the staple food cultivated by humans for over 10,000 years. From the lentil to the soybean, every civilization on the planet has cultivated its own species of bean. The humble bean has always attracted attention – from Pythagoras’ notion that the bean hosted a human soul to St. Jerome’s indictment against bean-eating in convents (because they “tickle the genitals”), to current research into the deadly toxins contained in the most commonly eaten beans.

Heat and Harvest

Long acknowledged as “the nation’s salad bowl,” California’s farm belt is facing some thorny challenges from our changing climate: rising temperatures, an uncertain water supply and more abundant pests that threaten multi-billion-dollar crops. The half-hour documentary Heat and Harvest, a co-production of KQED and the Center for Investigative Reporting, examines these threats and offers some potential solutions.

Fatal Harvest edited by Andrew Kimbrell

Fatal Harvest takes an unprecedented look at our current ecologically destructive agricultural system and offers a compelling vision for an organic and environmentally safer way of producing the food we eat. ts scope and photo-driven approach provide a unique and invaluable antidote to the efforts by agribusiness to obscure and disconnect us from the truth about industrialized foods.

Holistic Cow!

Sandra Matheson, farmer, educator, and retired veterinarian, talks about working with nature to leave the land in better condition. Her philosophy is to make “holistic” decisions that are socially, ecologically, and economically sound and balanced—and to help others do the same!

Organic Farming for Health and Prosperity

This comprehensive report extols the multiple societal benefits of organic farming in North America. To partner with stakeholders who share in these benefits, OFRF produced this document for policy makers, educators, researchers, healthcare professionals, business leaders and families, like yours and mine.

Just what IS organic?

Jim Riddle is the Organic Outreach Coordinator for University of Minnesota – Southwest Research and Outreach Center. He answers the question: “What does it mean when produce and meat products are labeled organic?”