Loki Fish Company: Building a Brand, One Fish at a Time

Loki Fish Co. has been going strong for more than 35 years, and has evolved from a single fishing boat to a vertically-integrated, direct marketing company selling a wide variety of fresh, frozen, and processed fish products in Washington, Oregon, and northern California, as well as through an online store and online resellers.

We Recommend: Sockeye Salmon from Loki Fish Co.

At GoodFood World we’re always on the lookout for something special for dinner. This week we picked up a “2-Serving Portion” of wild sockeye salmon from the Loki Fish Co. stand at Ballard Farmers Market.

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish

The ocean contains 97% of the planet’s water and covers 71% of the Earth’s surface. Stand on the shore and its expanse and distant horizon imply an endless source of resources. Now we recognize that the oceans are not boundless and the numbers of fish are not endless. It wasn’t until the late 20th Century that we understood the world production (harvest) of fish is on a downward trend and we will be out of fish by the middle of this century unless we take some drastic steps.

Peas (and Love) in the City

After spending 20 years with Seattle Tilth in a variety of posts, including everything from office and event manager to education program manager and children’s …

Good Grass Makes Good Beef – And Good Soil

Over the last 70 years, the beef industry has changed considerably, evolving into an intense, industrial enterprise designed to put as much weight on as many cattle as fast as possible and get the resulting meat to market as quickly as possible. In response to the damaging impact of feedlot production, more and more farmers and ranchers are choosing to return to – and improve upon – traditional methods of raising cattle on grass.

The Difference Between Grass-fed and Feedlot Beef

If asked, most people could not tell you where the meat on their plate came from. In fact, if they wanted to know, it would be darned difficult – if not impossible – to find out. On the other hand, while imagining that the beef cow they will be eating is frolicking on lush green pastures, the average American today does NOT want to meet their dinner while it is still standing.