Pests: Weeds and Unwanted 4-Legged Visitors
(Click on a small image to see a larger version.)

Yesterday was Tuesday which meant that we spent our afternoon weeding at our CSA, Jubilee Biodynamic Farm in Carnation, Washington. Actually, at this time of the year, the jobs fall pretty evenly between harvesting and weeding!
Not only is the farm bursting at the seams with produce, but there are flowers – edible ones too – for every member.
This week our share offered so much that we ended up leaving a number of selections behind. And we had to take a pass on the 5 pounds of pickling cucumbers that were part of our share. Simply not enough time to do everything we need to do!
Like we did on our last visit to the farm, we weeded. Weeds of course are just plants out of place and there seem to be a lot of them. We spent the day releasing row after row after row of sun-starved strawberries from the clutches of chickweed and bindweed. Nasty critters!
Our carrot weeding day several weeks ago resulted in a bunch of gorgeous carrots in our basket this week.

It felt good that we did our share to make it possible for those little tiny, tiny carrots to grow up. Note: baby carrots are very hard to weed without pulling them up!
We’ve had two Tuesdays where it’s been sunny and yesterday was one of them, the rest have been rainy, drizzly, or overcast. We did manage to get plenty muddy because the strawberry bed that we were weeding had been irrigated the night before.
Back on the home front, we’ve been anxiously awaiting our harvest of plums. The tree is covered and they’re just starting to ripen.
Unfortunately we had a visit from our neighborhood raccoon who ate as many of the plums from beneath the tree as he or she could. Then obviously not having had enough, he/she climbed the tree and ate even more.
Of course, we were “forced” to bring home plums from Jubilee Farm. Plum jam on the way!
We’ll keep you posted on the happenings at Jubilee!
See you next week!

(Photos: Gail’s iPhone)