Good Meat, the Complete Guide to Sourcing and Cooking Sustainable Meat, Deborah Krasner (Stewart, Tabori, Chang; 2010)
After nearly 20 years of residency near Puget Sound – and at just over 300 feet above sea level, and clearly “fish country” – we’ve picked up and moved to beef country: Helena Montana!
A shuffle through the book shelf looking for inspiration turned up Good Meat, and a review seemed in order until I read the forward written 6 years ago by Bernie Sanders, clearly our “should be President” non-candidate!
Bernie says it all (excerpted from his foreword of Good Meat):
The bottom line is – and we’re seeing this every day – that more and more Americans want a food production system that protects their health and their environment, and treats the people who work the land with respect and dignity. They also understand how important local food product is for our economy. Buying direct from a farmer plows 90 cents of each dollar back into the farm and protects our local communities… That is why more and more farmers are selling their locally raised meat directly to consumers.
This book addresses the new American interest in, and need for, sustainable agriculture and the healthy products that sustainable farms produce. Although it has one chapter on side dishes and another on eggs, it is mostly about meat. For while the meat we should be eating – meat from animals fed on grass… is healthy for us and for the land, it is also different from the meat we are used to.
Deborah Krasner is part of a revolution in food, in agriculture, in nutrition, that is taking place in our nation. Her book is a fine contribution to that revolution, teaching us how to eat more healthfully, how to buy from local farmers, [and] how to cook what they raise.
Get your copy here. Indie Bound will connect you with an independent bookstore on the street or online.